I was diagnosed with MDD with comorbid GAD, and am a survivor of suicide loss. I have lost a loved one to suicide and for a long time have struggled in accepting the fact that my loved one died by suicide. I was also experiencing complicated grief when I lost a parent to cancer. I grew up in a family where issues on mental health is highly stigmatized. I have grown to be very passionate about mental health, as well as in helping others go through their mental health struggles. I am also the Founder of AWAS - Awareness Against Suicide, in which I actively advocate on suicide prevention and mental health issues. If in some way you can relate to what I have gone through, I would like you to know that you are not alone in this journey. I may not know your pain exactly, but together we will find hope in whatever it is that you are struggling with; in shaa Allah. I would also be more than happy to share my experience in getting professional help, or if you are in need of support in fighting self-stigma and in transforming your grief into growth! ❤️🎗