Mira Shukor

Hi! I'm Mira. I was first diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder back in 2018. After I lost my dear grandmother my diagnosis changed to MDD. After a few years, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Type 2, OCD and also PTSD. My worst years are from 2018 until 2021, where I cannot continue my study and could not work. I was overwhelmed with my illness. I have undergone ECT and psychotherapy beside monthly checkup with psychiatrist. My condition is now stable with the help of professionals, family and friends. I am currently a freelance translator. My journey with mental illness is not easy, I have been through a lot including admission into the psychiatric ward. With Bipolar, my condition is like a roller coaster but praise to God, I'm able to manage my symptoms. I am here to hear and support you in times of hardness. Let's heal together!